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Reset "Me" I have somehow set "me" as being one of my wife's ancestor's. How do I change who "me" is.

+2 votes
199 views asked Dec 4, 2019 by rleibowitz (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

I made the same mistake, but managed to find a workaround to it. You have to do the following:

  1. Export your entire family tree as backup or email yourself a link to it to refer to in case
  2. On your actual box, click the 'Invite to share family'
  3. Instead of sending an email, copy the link that is given at the bottom of the page and save it. We need this to add ourselves back to the account, so this is crucial
  4. Go to 'My Account' 
  5. Find the family tree and click 'Remove' to take yourself and the current link out
  6. Now open the link from step 3 and log back into your existing account
  7. Select your details and make sure you click the 'Save' option on the menu bar, as well as 'Remember this Family'

That is it, you should be added back as the correct link now. In case you face an issue, you can import the family tree backup that was exported and use that too. 

Hope this helps!

answered Dec 13, 2019 by shireengodhaa (170 points)