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Did I just lose all the work I put into this new tree on my account?

+1 vote
I started a new tree on my account (a second tree) without properly identifying it (as  per the displayed answer).

Have I lost all that work? Or can I still save it? Thanks.
related to an answer for: multiple trees under one account
asked Nov 5, 2019 by wdc202 (240 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
The only way I can think of is if you download the tree and then re-import it.
answered Nov 22, 2020 by Acpisded (2,250 points)
0 votes

When you have more than one tree in your account, when you login or go to the account screen both trees should be listed under "Families."  You can click on the [Rename] button to give the new tree a "proper" name. Click on the [View] button or the Tree name to select the desired tree to view/edit it.  Generally speaking work is saved automatically.  If it isn't there will be a red caution reminder at the top of the screen reminding you to save.

answered Nov 22, 2020 by DanUgrin (21,680 points)