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What security does Family Echo have?

+3 votes

Does Family Echo provide any security measures such as 2-step authentication?  I am a little concern about putting too much information out on the internet that a hacker might be able to get in to.

Thank you.

asked Jan 5, 2015 by echojppenick (150 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes

Thanks for your question.

Family Echo stores your information on servers to whom access is password-protected and limited only to specific IP addresses. Its code is written to protect against information leakage, to the best of our knowledge and ability.

Currently your information is sent unencrypted between your browser and our servers, so in theory your Internet service provider or some other switch on the path could read it, although this is a low risk in practice.

We don't use 2-factor authentication for logging in, so if someone gains access to your email account, they could use that to get access to your Family Echo account as well.

I hope this answers your questions. For more information please read the Terms of Use.

answered Jan 6, 2015 by gidgreen (10,940 points)
Basically Family Echo's great.