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My trees have stopped working; I can't access them...

+9 votes
"This family could not currently be located. This may be due to occasional system maintenance, so please try again in a few hours."

When will I be able to access my tree, and what's the issue? Anybody else experiencing similar difficulties? Some of my trees are working and others aren't...
asked Oct 20, 2019 by erisedstar30259 (5,500 points)
oh god that must be horrible

5 Answers

+2 votes
Hi, yeah I the same issue... Really annoying!
answered Oct 20, 2019 by jesse.1988@hotmail.co.uk (190 points)
I have the same problem. The tree I had open stopped working, but the other ones I can still access.
0 votes
There was a temporary server issue, it's fixed now. Sorry about that.
answered Oct 20, 2019 by gidgreen (10,920 points)
Same issue for me and still the same result. Not yet fixed. Two family Trees and none accessible.
0 votes
I am having that happen to me right now.
answered Oct 22, 2019 by reedspike101 (170 points)
0 votes
I am having the same problem, I was trying to send the tree to my friend and it isnt letting me get into it.
answered Oct 22, 2019 by Sisiev (140 points)
0 votes
We are having a problem with the family storage server and working on it. Data has not been lost.
answered Oct 22, 2019 by gidgreen (10,920 points)