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How can I indicate an unknown year of death on the family tree? (if I know the person is dead)

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504 views asked Apr 27, 2015 by jrose@tjrinc.com (120 points)

1 Answer

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You just need to untic the "This person is living" box and not enter the date of death. This will not show any dates for death.
answered Apr 27, 2015 by erisedstar30259 (5,530 points)
If I do it the way you suggest, then the format of the life dates for a dead person with an unknown year of death look the same as the format for people who are still alive (i.e. only a "birth" year is provided).  I want people reading the family tree to know who is alive and who is dead.  In other words, if I don't know the year of the person's death, I want to still be able to indicate they're dead.  Thoughts?
Despite not showing the year of death, the person's name and details should show in a lighter color to indicate that they are not living.
I put it in the bio section. I. e. Dod/place unk., no research done on dod, etc.