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How do I print the ENTIRE family tree with no empty lines?

+3 votes
452 views asked Jun 27, 2019 by FamilyFunStuff (150 points) 1 flag

2 Answers

0 votes
I wanna know this as well.
answered Jul 5, 2019 by MilutinMujovic (160 points)
0 votes

1. From any page on Ancestry, click the Trees tab and select a tree.

2. On the left side of your tree, click either Pedigree or Family view.

The pedigree view presents people horizontally, with younger people to the left and their ancestors to the right. Family view presents people vertically, with younger people at the bottom and their ancestors at the top. Family view uses more paper when printing and is harder to piece together once printed.

3. Go to the part of your tree you want to print.

The part of your tree that shows on your screen when you click Print is the part that will be printed. It’s not currently possible to print a whole tree at once if the tree extends beyond the screen, but you can move around to different parts of your tree by clicking on blank space in the tree and continuing to press down on the mouse or trackpad while moving your hand. You can move to specific people in your tree by clicking Tree Search in the top-right corner and entering a name in the panel that appears, then selecting a name in the bottom section of the panel.

4. In the top-right corner, click Print.

5. In the top-left corner, click Print.

To make a professional book, poster, or calendar, click one of those buttons instead of Print. You’ll be directed to our publishing partner MyCanvas.

6. Click OK or Print.

List Mario Games online!


answered Jul 28, 2019 by scrapliability (140 points)