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My tree is duplicating names and wont let me edit them.

0 votes
Here is an example     parents Robert Calderbank

                      Children  james, william, william, elizabeth, hugh, hugh, ann.

                      They have the same dates etc but when I press on one and go the delete it says I cant because it will undo family ties (or something like that.)

I have been trying to alter this for days and cant

Also How do I set the generations at the bottom -meaning generation 1 for parents and 1 for children when do I alter the generations guide.
asked Apr 14, 2015 by bkavo (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
To answer your last question first, to set the generations click on the 'Down' arrows to access the drop-down menus.

Your first question sounds a little more tricky. The tree won't let you split it in two, the premise being that everyone you enter is related, however distantly. Because of this, you can't delete people if they have descendants/parents coming of them.

Hope this helps!
answered Apr 15, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)