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Is there a way to print on less pages with larger font?

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735 views asked May 3, 2019 by nicolebryan2 (130 points)

2 Answers

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Perhaps this will be done if you reduce the font or the size of the print displayed on it. When in college we were asked to write huge essays on several pages, I used Essay Explorer and this method to print less. Maybe this will help you.


answered Jul 18, 2019 by caseywhite (460 points)
edited Jul 18, 2019 by caseywhite
0 votes
After some testing, it appears that the font size increases or decreases automatically to fit the people from your tree you ask to print.  If you have just a few people (e.g. yourself, a couple of siblings, your parents and each of your grandparents), printing 1 page width x 1 page height, you'll get a reasonable size for each person's box & font.  But if you choose to print 2 pages width x 2 pages height, the boxes and font will be much larger.  Conversely, if you choose to also print each of your great-grandparents also, the boxes and font will shrink enough to fit the extra people.

I don't know how you would simultaneously increase the font size while also decreasing the number of pages on which your tree is printed; normally reducing the number of pages will also reduce the font size (and box size).

You may need to export your tree and then import it into another family tree application that might allow you to get the results you're wanting.  But I don't think Family Echo can do it.
answered Jul 24, 2019 by mikeb00 (3,090 points)