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How do I show both the date of birth and underneath date of marriage for all of my tree?

0 votes
I have already added the info under edit partnership details but it isn't showing up once saved? Would really appreciate any help you guys can give me. Thanks in advance.
asked Apr 13, 2015 by angieduffy (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
It doesn't look like there is an option for showing marriage dates in the name boxes themselves. If you click on the people and then go to 'Partner' then it should display the information, but I recognise that that isn't what you want.

If you really want to, put the marriage dates in as a name, eg FIRST NAMES: [insert all names], SURNAME NOW / AT BIRTH: [married X on ____].
answered Apr 13, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,960 points)
I've thought from the beginning it would be good to put marriage date and location under birth and death dates instead of in 'Partners".
This would add vertical visualization to the data instead of incryptioning it.