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how to show middle name as first name?

+2 votes
Is there way to mark name which person used and was known. I have several persons in my family tree who use their middle name as their name they are known. Like let's take person called James Oscar Wilson who all know as Oscar when He lived but Oscar's descendants hundred years later couldn't know that and could easily  think he was known as James if they just see his name written.

Sorry for bad description but so what is best way to mark name person used ? way that others beside me can also  understand
asked Apr 14, 2019 by tarjaP93 (630 points)

1 Answer

–1 vote
if you look at the bottom of your screen above the hotbar there is a box saying show. click on this and you can adjust what names are shown on the tree
answered Apr 15, 2019 by marvelle (160 points)
Yes but that will change all names on the tree and it's not what i need.