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I have added the same child twice and it wont let me delete one as it said it would split the family

0 votes
Lets say I have put robert c down and then under in the child I have put hugh down twice all the same information, but when I want to take one out it wont let me.
asked Apr 12, 2015 by bkavo (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If the Hugh that you're trying to delete has other 'branches' of the tree coming of him then the tree won't let you delete him because that would split the family. Try deleting the other one instead. If they both have branches from them (I presume they are identical branches), then you'll need to delete one or both of these branches, which could take a while.

Try changing the details of one of the Hughs. Then try deleting him.

If this doesn't work, then it might be a bug. You can always write 'Ignore this box' in the name section as a stopgap solution, but I'd advise reporting this as a bug.
answered Apr 13, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)
I had the same issue of putting the wrong people in the wrong tree.  Thank heavens it was early in the tree and I could delete and backtrack.