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Can you make a copy of one family tree and save it with another name, in the same account?

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266 views asked Apr 10, 2019 by TaniaAlex (140 points)

1 Answer

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Yes, although it is harder than it should be. Open the tree you want to copy. In the bottom left there is a button to export the tree. Press it then select FamilyScript. Press the download button. Go back to the my account page and press the button to create a new tree. Where the export button was, there is now an import button. Press it, then press the button to choose file. Select the file you just downloaded, then press import, and finish import. Go back to my account page, and rename the new tree to whatever you want. Unfortunately, images will not be saved onto the new tree
answered Apr 20, 2019 by Jassius (990 points)