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I have accidentally included same family twice. How do I delete one of these from the tree without splitting the tree?

+1 vote
130 views asked Apr 1, 2019 by dogs@1 (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Sorry, you'll have to choose which family branch you want to delete, then go down to the lowest level of each person (child, grandchild, greatgrandchild,...) and delete each, one by one.  Then delete the spouses.  Then move over to the next couple and repeat.
Imagine a mobile, with the family members as hanging weights.  You have to delete them from the bottom, up, until you get to the original duplicate person, then delete that one.
The rule is that you cannot delete someone that still has children under them, or their spouse.
answered Apr 2, 2019 by mikeb00 (3,070 points)