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Can I print out the contact information?

+1 vote
I can easily print out the Family Tree but cannot figure out how to print the contact information.
asked Mar 31, 2019 by gbatesole (200 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
What prints out is what appears on the screen.
When you click on the Show selection box at the bottom, you'll see a list of items you can select, including Email, Address or Telephone, and whichever ONE you select will appear in the box for each person.  That is what will print out.
Unfortunately you cannot select multiple of these, only one at a time.
answered Apr 2, 2019 by mikeb00 (3,090 points)
+1 vote
The simple answer is that you can print out ALL the information you inputted to make your chart including contact information, addresses, email, birth dates etc.  However, the chart only allows you to select one item to disply (email, telephone, etc) for each person.  But I want to see ALL of my information that I inputted you say.

OK, here is what you do.  Download the data (bottom left of your screen) as a CSV file which will be saved in your "Downloads" folder.  Then fire up Excel or Google Sheets and load the file from your downloads folder.  You will now have all the information on a spreadsheet which you can edit as you wish.  Save file after editing.  Once done you can attach the "data" sheet to your Family chart and then you have EVERYTHING!
answered Apr 3, 2019 by gbatesole (200 points)