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how to show adopted families?

+7 votes
I want to show this person is adopted but also has parents of his own is that possible?
asked Apr 10, 2015 by themidnighthaven (190 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
This is in the FAQ. At present people can only have one set of parents. You can add them as usual with an explaination in Bio notes
answered Apr 10, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,970 points)
+2 votes
Just a thought: you could add a partner to this person, keep it blank (eg gender unspecified) and in the name section put something along the lines of '[Person's] Biological Family From Here'. Then 'grow' their biological family from that box. Hope this helps!
answered Apr 11, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,970 points)
+1 vote
Another possbility would be to have two seperate trees one for the persons adoptive family and one for the biolgoical family. You could also denote in their bio that they are adopted and list their biological parents there if known.
answered Apr 11, 2015 by jds1983 (7,260 points)