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Clicking on a name in the new Find function does not lead me to the person in the tree

+3 votes
I can click on a name in the new Find window, but it fails to respond by moving to the correct position on the family tree.
asked Mar 4, 2019 by Montymark (150 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Please refresh the page since we made a tweak after releasing this new feature. If it still doesn't work please comment here telling me which web browser you are using and its current version, so we can take a look.
answered Mar 4, 2019 by gidgreen (10,940 points)
I have refreshed, but it still doesn't work. I am using Google Chrome, but the problem also exists in Firefox
Please share browser version numbers and which operating system / platform you are running on.
I am using Google Chrome Version 72.0.3626.121 (Official Build) (64-bit).  The search function doesn't work for me either.
We've made some fixes now, please shift-refresh the page and let me know if this solves the problem for you.
Yes, it does! Thank you
All Corrected.  Thank you!