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Why can't my step-siblings be seen on my main tree?

+1 vote
It's frustrating because I grew up with my step-siblings as my siblings. However, when I click on just my name you can only see me and my parents and my mom's new husband. You can't see my step-father's children. Why does it do this? Does anyone know how to fix it? It looks now like I'm an only child but I'm not. Biologically, maybe, but not in my heart. Why can't I see my whole family together?
asked Feb 22, 2019 by fedex (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
As they are the children of two non-blood related people, they can only be shown if you click on your parent or step parent. Hope I answered your question. Have a great day.
answered Apr 4, 2019 by Elsenbach (590 points)