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How is a divorce shown in a chart?

0 votes
462 views asked Feb 20, 2019 by djvansandt (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
If partners are separated or divorced, the line connecting them will be thin in stead of bold.
answered Mar 3, 2019 by erisedstar30259 (5,510 points)
The line does not change on my screen. It stays the same whether married or             divorced either one ie does not change to "thin" even though I have recorded a divorce.
On the sidebar, select "Change or delete", then "change partner" and then "set no current partner" to make the line thin, or set the partner to someone else by adding a new partner. The line connecting the two people that are current partners will be bold. Hope this helps.
This did help. The line finally went thin doing what you said. Thanks much.