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How do I marry a mother and son.

0 votes
I'm trying to add a son who married his mother but can't seem to add it in the normal way.
asked Feb 12, 2019 by DolphinCat (230 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
how did they marry thier mum
answered Mar 31, 2019 by sedono (230 points)
Is that really necessary. Just don’t.
0 votes
Click on either the mother or son and then proceed to tap “Add partner/ex”. Once there, tap “partner with person already on tree”. It will then ask you to select who you want to be their partner. Find the mother or son, depending on which one you started with/are adding a partner to and tap on them. Then set them to current partner or ex-partner. I hope I answered your question. Have a great day.
answered Apr 4, 2019 by Elsenbach (590 points)