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how to connect an existing child to existing parent

0 votes
Have had great success in building family tree with documents given to me by a relative.  I don't know how it happened, but I have my grandmother and grandfather on the tree, my grandmothers mother is also on the tree, but they are separate from each other. One came from one direction, and the other from a different direction, and I cannot see a way to connect them.

There is the option to add a partner from someone on the tree, but I don't see ways of connecting anyone else.


Anyone know if this can be done?

I have a LOT of hours into this, so starting over will mean hours of more work.  I cannot just delete my grandmother, as there is a huge dependent tree beneath her.

asked Feb 3, 2019 by mghinman (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Not too sure whether this will be of any use to you, however, if you select the "Child" and select change...there is an option for you to change parents and then select parent already on the tree?

Good luck - I hope it helps.
answered Feb 15, 2019 by Fee1972 (140 points)