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Is there a way to import a family tree GEDCOM or HTML with ALL the photos assigned already?

+2 votes
There's over 600 people in this family tree, and I don't fancy assigning photos to them all over again. This is basically just changing the founder for someone who wants to link it as HTML, but when they do, the founder is someone else, and they don't want that. So, we've exported the tree as a GEDCOM, but when we import, all the photos for everyone is gone.
asked Apr 5, 2015 by aurorabraelinvonhaus (140 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

I'd like an answer for this too, I'm working with familyscript for a personal project and can't get them to import in. They weren't even imported after I downloaded and named the jpegs as per these instructions.

answered Apr 20, 2015 by b1uejay (170 points)
0 votes
I'm afraid there is not currently a way to import a family tree with photos assigned. This is definitely an issue when it comes to changing the founder of a family tree, and we will look into improving it.

In this case, you could try editing the files in the downloaded folder. If you search for 'Founded by' you will find the JavaScript file that outputs the founder and enter the name you want instead.
answered Apr 26, 2015 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,250 points)