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Not letting me show incest.

+8 votes
I'm making a fictional family tree for House Targaryen from Game of Thrones and I'm running into some trouble. Targaryen's married brothers and sisters sometimes but the tree isn't letting me pick that as an option.
asked Apr 4, 2015 by Seiko_Usui (240 points)
retagged Apr 6, 2015 by Seiko_Usui

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
It appears that the closest relationship the tree will allow is between cousins. You should repost this with a '#feature-request' tag to bring it to the attention of Family Echo, as it would be a useful feature for fictional (hopefully!) or historical trees.

May I also suggest incorporating as many families as possible into this tree? For example, in 'The World of Ice and Fire', there are complete trees for the Starks and Lannisters as well, and the books give you information for the more recent generations of many other Houses.

Good luck, and Grow Strong!
answered Apr 5, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)
selected Apr 6, 2015 by Seiko_Usui
Which begs the question: How far do you consider 'incest'?
Direct family, cousins, marriages, etc.
In my 1986 family gene study, it says 'family history says there is no relation'...but I found one.  Very linear, tho.