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What does relationship mean on Family Echo?

0 votes
Would I put my boyfriend on my family tree as relationship because we are dating or does it mean something else? If it means something else, can you explain? Thank you!
asked Nov 21, 2018 by EnzeruUchiha (280 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
I think it would depend on how close you are. If you feel this is a long term relationship then I would add him as a partner to you. I have my partner  on my tree as we have been together for many years and as we have both been married before with children I wanted to show us altogether. Hope that helps.
answered Nov 21, 2018 by Yenson (480 points)
selected Nov 29, 2018 by EnzeruUchiha
0 votes
Many people view the relationship between partners as more than family, especially when people are spiritually close. At the same time, now there is a great opportunity to find your love and thanks to this quick flirt legit every single person has a chance to find an understanding person. I advise everyone to pay attention to this link, especially senior people.
answered Feb 14, 2021 by Romarion (190 points)