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Name boxes not going bold

+1 vote
Sometimes when I click on someone's name box, the box's outline does not go bold as usual. This leads to confusion as it's difficult to see who the tree is focused on. This doesn't happen often but is is annoying and is probablly a bug, so could Family Echo please look into it?
asked Apr 2, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I have experienced the same problem. However, you can see who the tree is focussing on by opening the sidebar which shows which relative you are on.
answered Apr 3, 2015 by erisedstar30259 (5,530 points)
I know but sometimes it's necessary to minimise the sidebar to see more of the tree when dealing with lots of people at once. When I do this I really need the bold boxes.
Try selecting another box, and then reselect the original. Then, hopefully, it should go bold. I understand; it is inconvenient when showing relatives the tree.
This sometimes means the whole orientation of the tree changes, often resulting in a lot of clicking and dragging to get back to the person I want. It really is irritating.