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Twins' branches

+15 votes
If two siblings are born on the same day (ie twins), could the tree show this in some other way, such as a shallow inverted 'V' shape ( ^ ) connecting the parents at the top and the twins on the two branches, or something similar?
asked Apr 2, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)
retagged Apr 21, 2015 by p.mcallister

1 Answer

–1 vote
Not exactly but you can make them siblings then, a line will appear conecting the two tho their parents.
answered Apr 4, 2015 by legocalls (250 points)
I know this but I think a ^ shape would be more useful.
I really wish there was some way to indicate twins, or triplets or more... there's a LOT in my family. I personally have it showing profession under their name and I just type, for e.x. under Thom it says; Doctor, Alanna's Twin and with the youngest on the tree, who are triplets, I put in each of their professions as Triplet 1, Triplet 2, and Triplet 3 respectively