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How do I create a family tree for my friend?

0 votes
Hi, I have created a family tree for a friend and would like to add it to familyecho's website. I have an account with a tree but can I make a seperate tree from scratch and give it another password with my friend's name?
asked Nov 5, 2018 by Pamsuzanne (1,800 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes. If you set up a new log id and password, you can add your friend's family.

If you are the one working on his tree, you can go into Account, and click on Create New Family. His tree will be accessed by your logid. If your friend wants make the changes, then it's a good idea to set up a new logid. If you set it up, you can always send him a link to his family so he enter and review it. You can give him editing rights so he can make changes or not give him those rights.
answered Nov 14, 2018 by amiller824 (560 points)
Thankyou very much for your help.