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Can you see how a family member is your family member?

0 votes

I want to see if you can see what someone is to you like brother, sister, mother, father, step-brother etc.

asked Nov 2, 2018 by EnzeruUchiha (280 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
I don't think there are features for that.
However, if you wanted to calculate how you were related to a distant relative, you could always use an online cousin calculator.
answered Nov 3, 2018 by qlass-shards (710 points)
Hi, I know how to do this by discovering it myself. When you fill in a relatives details you add the first names, then it says Surname Now, so then add the name, make a few spaces and then add UNCLE, GT. GRANDMA, NANNA etc.etc. All my relatives are marked this way in capitals. Would love to know if it works for you and what you think.
–2 votes
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answered Nov 14, 2018 by eddie007 (220 points) 2 flags