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Somebody else's tree has appeared as Family Tree 2.

0 votes
Why has somebody else's tree appeared with my tree? It says Family Tree 2. I don't know anything about it or how it got there. All the people's names are Indian I think with only two English names in this tree. I know I can remove it but has anyone any idea how it got there in the first place? Would someone have found out my password?
asked Oct 25, 2018 by Pamsuzanne (1,800 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Your power and obligation stay along with your client. Be sincere with them provide them with http://www.getessaydone.com great goods and take possession when you make a mistake. Late deliveries wrong orders and broken web sites rest on your shoulders.

answered Nov 1, 2018 by Hilarys (300 points) 1 flag
I do not understand what your answer is to do with having someone elses tree turn up along with mine and marked as "Family Tree 2" I do not know anyone in this tree as it looks like Indonesian names. Whats it to do with "get essay done" I will never know, nor late deliveries, wrong orders and broken web sites rest on your shoulders. Thankyou for your pointless answer.