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How do I remove a partner?

+1 vote
I marked a grandfather as a partner to a grandmother and then accidently maked him as a partner to his son.  He shows up on topp, and then down bolow and to the right.  Is ther any way to remove the "partner" status in his file.  I have removed his status, but his name still remaines, thus he still shows he is connected.  UGH! I have so much info in to delete-  Thank you.
asked Oct 9, 2018 by DABRODIE (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Go to the person you had made the error with,

Click "change or delete". Then "Change partner(s)" should pop-up.

Then switch it to whoever the partner was meant to be,

Hope this helps!
answered Oct 31, 2018 by dloftus (3,140 points)