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How do I identify myself on a tree I did not found?

+3 votes
A distant relative shared the tree with me and I've added a lot, but because I didn't found the tree, I am always starting with "me", which means I have to spend some time hunting for my entry before I can do more work.  Can't I identify myself as one of the other people in the tree?
asked Mar 31, 2015 by Tregolwyn (170 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
You could select yourself on the family tree and then invite yourself to share the family. This will create a link to the same tree where you are 'me'. You would have to save this new version of the tree to a different account, or delete the current version before saving it your existing account.
answered Apr 1, 2015 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,190 points)
Okay, I just tried this but it didn't work.  The tree still opens to the old "me", as it has done ever since I was first invited to this family.  Maybe I've misunderstood your instructions?
Try making sure you are signed out of Family Echo when you open the new link, or open it in a different browser.
I also have this problem, and this answer didn't work for me either!
0 votes
Go to the 'Find' option on the menu, and find yourself on the scroll menu. The names are arranged in alphabetical order by surname.
answered Apr 1, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,970 points)