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How do I print branches since Tree is too big to show all together

0 votes
My grandmother had 18 children... so the tree cannot be printed as it appears because it is so large for the sizes currently offered.  I was thinking of printing it in sections but I don't know how to do this? Or is there another suggestions?

asked Oct 3, 2018 by annikrose (130 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

Select a grandchild from the branch you want to print.  Set the "Parents" variable to "1 gen."  Print, repeat smiley

answered Oct 4, 2018 by DanUgrin (21,680 points)
Thank you! That is perfect
0 votes

OMG...18 childrensurprise

answered Oct 9, 2018 by TomClark (160 points)
18 children, 39 grandchildren and 43 great grandchildren. My grandmother is turning 90 in January and I wanted to print the whole tree but a legal size page makes is too small to make it legible to read!