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How to copy a family tree for a new account

+4 votes

I would like to copy an already well established family tree onto a brand new account rather than setting up from scratch. Is this possible? if not, please create a feature that enables this.

Also, i would like to add multiple pictures (in the background profile) of one individual on a family tree but currently we can only put one picture for one person. These pictures do not have to be the face of the person on the tree, but rather, when clicking on someone n the tree, it should allow to show pictures just like it shows more information in the bio. Please add this feaure.
asked Sep 24, 2018 by mc1908 (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

It's simple. At first you must export your existing family to your computer. Check for the button in the left bottom of the interface. Then log to your account and download the file. Profit!

I used Family Echo a lot when worked for https://essay4students.com/. Children are often asked to create their family tree, and this source is a rescue.

answered Sep 25, 2018 by TaraRiddle (160 points)
Oh, great!) I was looking for this ...