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How to indicate that two people are siblings, if they have married siblings

+2 votes
I have created an element of my family tree, but in one case two sisters married two brothers. If the family tree is orientated around the sisters, and shows their husbands, how do i indicate that the husbands were also related to each other?
asked Aug 28, 2018 by millerellen2 (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I have the same problem. Unless you have the brothers marked as brothers before you put them as married to the sisters, the only way I have found is to delete the brothers, add them in again as not married to the sisters, then click add partner/ex, click connect to someone already on the tree, and enter in the appropriate sister. If anyone else has an answer that is a quicker way, please comment. Another thing: the tree won't let you have siblings without parents, so you might need to add some for the brothers.
answered Aug 28, 2018 by ellerymaeve (2,590 points)