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Changing family orders in established trees

+1 vote


I have recently learned that a distant relative of mine is actually a first born child.


On my tree I had him indicated as a third child.


Now my tree is incorrect.  How can I move him to his rightful spot without disrupting everything else in the tree?  This individiual is 4 generations back and will lead to hours of rework.


Can anyone suggest anything?
asked Aug 27, 2018 by Tanith007 (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Family Echo automatically orders children in order of birth. If he is third, he must have the wrong birth date on the tree. Sometimes, though, in order to show more family members at one time, it reverses the order of all siblings. You don't need to fix anything if this is the case. If you have no birth date for him, try giving him one that makes him older than all his siblings and then delete it if you don't know his actual birth date. I'm guessing it might leave him as the oldest sibling.
answered Aug 28, 2018 by ellerymaeve (2,590 points)