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I too have the same question. How can I send a copy of my developing tree to an email address?

+1 vote
133 views asked Aug 27, 2018 by rablack (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If you wish to send your family tree to someone, they must also be on the family tree. To send it to someone, click on the "contact" button which is next to "personal" and "biographical". Put it an email address for them, and then you can click share and send it with a message. If you want to send it to a person who is not on your family tree, you can add them as "children" of someone, or put their email address in someone else's profile. Hint: If you have a person marked as dead on your family tree, it will not allow you to share it with them.
answered Aug 28, 2018 by ellerymaeve (2,590 points)