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Can I change the founder/centre of the tree? If not how do I remove the bold from my name?

+5 votes
I want to share this family tree with all of the living people in it, but I don't want to be the centre of it if that makes sense - can I change the founder of the tree to the original father of the family? Or can I at least take the bold off my name?
asked Aug 7, 2018 by liamdanagher (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I tried to delete my founder once, but once you start a tree there is no changing the founder. You would have to start over with another founder. I actually had the opposite problem - I put someone else as the founder, and I wanted to change it to me  - but it turned out okay because the person marked as the founder really was the founder anyway.
answered Aug 29, 2018 by ellerymaeve (2,590 points)