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How do I allow family to view the tree as READ-ONLY but block them from editing without my permission?

0 votes
I'm guessing some information is not accurate but I don't want cousins editing dates, names etc without proof and without my permission. Is it possible to make it read-only?
asked Aug 1, 2018 by DeclanKelly (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
When you create your tree, in the end you can decide, who can edit it, or you can create a read-only version (like in Google docs, when you share them or let only to read/edit the file). Just make sure that  'Allow to edit' box of your tree is not checked. Then your family can look through your tree but no one will be able to change it.
There is a lot of such discussions. Just keep trying/searching and you will find the answer! I had a homework task from https://ca.edubirdie.com/homework-help-ontario and needed help with the creation of my Family Tree. It was before I found this site. If you will not find the answer here, just look through other threads on this site.
answered Aug 2, 2018 by AndrewRodgers (180 points)
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