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My account is associated with wrong entry on the family tree.

+3 votes
My mom created a family tree and shared the link with our relatives. I was browsing and decided to make an account with Family Echo. In the form, I entered MY name, email etc. but when I got back to look at the family tree, "Family Echo" seems to think that *I* am my brother. When I click the "back to me" link at the bottom, and it sends me to my brother's info. It says "edit *my* details" and "add *your* relatives" when his name is selected. When I click my name it says "edit Katie's info."  Please help me correct my Family Echo account association to the correct name on my family tree!
asked Mar 24, 2015 by kmihalenko (150 points)

1 Answer

–1 vote
If your mother added your brother first, then the tree may assume he is the founder of the tree, and so take you to him when you hit 'Back to me'. You should also ask your mother and brother if they know anything, or check if someone else has trolled you, perhaps not intentionally. If not, I advise contacting Family Echo directly.
answered Mar 25, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,970 points)