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Changing a branch from one parent to the other

0 votes
I accidentally started a branch above a mother, but it should have been above the father. I cannot figure out how to change it over, and have done the "choose parents from the tree" thing and it won't let me pick them. I don't want to delete all the info I have, as it's pretty accurate. Just need to change that one branch. HELP!
asked Jul 13, 2018 by Christine81052 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You could switch all the information of the father to be the mother's information, and vice versa. It would switch their order because wives are always on the left and you had just reversed their genders, but I'm assuming then you would have the branch in the right spot.
answered Aug 29, 2018 by ellerymaeve (2,590 points)