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Any search functions other than drop down of names

0 votes
Is it possible to search for the different fields in the records? For example, if I wanted to search for ancestors who were born in a certain place, or were of a certain profession, or who had the same given name?

Thanks in advance.
asked Jul 5, 2018 by danadenson (230 points)

2 Answers

–1 vote

I don't think that this is possible. But I know that there are a few tips that might help. You might ask services that can write my essay for me to search all this information. And if you need additional facts about your ancestors they can do it too.

answered Sep 5, 2018 by DylanGenders (120 points)
–2 votes

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answered Oct 6, 2018 by rock3622 (280 points) 2 flags