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How do I scroll back to a selected member easily?

+1 vote
Sometimes when I select a name, the tree suddenly zooms off to the left or right, and I don't know which direction to drag the tree back onto screen. This happens on both mobile and desktop browsers, I'm primarily using Chrome. Then I have to click and drag to slowly recenter and hope that I'm not just getting farther and farther away from the tree.

Maybe this should be a bug fix, but until then, how do I easily recenter the tree on an ALREADY selected member?
asked Jun 17, 2018 by mandellum (210 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
not sure what you mean?
answered Jun 19, 2018 by blomquist (550 points)
This has happened to me occasionally. If, for instance an ex husband is next to his ex wife but you want to view your tree with the present husband and wife, I think this is when a name zooms away (and it is quite a long way)  All the while you drag along the line you will come to the end of it with a person. If its not the person you want then scroll the other way. Its a shame the distances have to be so far apart. Its difficult to explain but hope you understand.