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How to create a connection

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I'm creating a family tree strating on 1800 and it look like this: Carla is married to Meir A. They have two childern: Sura and Dov. Sura had a child maned Rivka and Dov had a child named Meir B. Meir B was merried to Rivka. How can I connect Rivka as a dauther of Sura and  wife of Meir B at the same time?


Thank you.
asked May 27, 2018 by Kazmirsky (120 points)

1 Answer

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Once you have created Rivka as the child of Sura and Meir B as the child of Dov select Rivka and click "Add partner/ex". Then select "Partner with person already on tree". You will be presented with a drop-down list of people on the tree, this is where you select Meir B. You must then click on either "Add as current partner" or "Add as ex-partner" to make the connection.

Hope this helps.
answered May 29, 2018 by Ty-y22 (1,490 points)