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Please tell me how to print my tree as it is shown on my computor.Please

+1 vote
Print is not large enough to read.
asked May 5, 2018 by rpuff228 (130 points)
edited May 5, 2018 by rpuff228

1 Answer

0 votes
On the main page of the website (your main family tree page), on the very bottom, there is a button Print. Just click on it!
When I wrote a research at the University about my roots (https://domeanessay.com/edubirdie-com-personal-help-for-every-student-demand/), this site was very helpful for me to visualize my family tree!
Or you can try to use the keyboard shortcut key Ctrl+P to open the print window on your PC.
answered May 7, 2018 by AndrewRodgers (180 points)