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Add a search section to jump directly to someone's name.

0 votes
Please add a search section to help navigate the tree better.  Using the mouse to scroll around is time consuming.  Add a search section that includes given name (first name) birth surname and married name or nickname.  The result will jump the screen to that person name tab and highlight the name.  It will show all the family connected to that person.  For persons with the same name a search result will ask to chose from a list of persons and show there spouses to correctly chose the right persons.  So if I want to find Adam Brown who married Sarah White, it will show me Adam Brown married to Sarah White also Adam H. Brown single, Adam Brown married to Albertha Lovelace etc.  Then I can click Adam Brown married to Sarah White.  Please still will help quite a bit.  Thank you in advance.
asked Apr 28, 2018 by BeckyTP (150 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
There is a way to search for people: On the bottom center, there are blue underlined words saying Find: (however many people you have in your tree). Click on it, Click inside the box, and type the name.
answered Dec 11, 2018 by ellerymaeve (2,590 points)