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May I change a person's photo?

+1 vote
Dear all,

I have uploaded a photo to a person (happens to be the myself), and later I decide to change the photo, but I cannot find the button to change the photo. Is this feature available yet?

I cannot delete myself to start over again, because "me" is the person who built the tree. If I can only delete the whole tree to start over, it would be really frustrating... Please help, thanks!
asked Mar 17, 2015 by GHSRobert (260 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
Found the answer myself:

Just click on the photo on the left panel, the "browse..." and "upload" etc. buttons will appear.
answered Mar 17, 2015 by GHSRobert (260 points)
selected Mar 18, 2015 by FamilyEchoSupport