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How do I edit family groups to place them in chronological order according to birth order?

+1 vote
I have the children of the family head but they are not in birth order.  I tried exporting and saving as a Gedfile but don't understand  how to do it.  I then didn't know how to find them to move them into a different/new tree.  I am working on a Mac.
asked Feb 27, 2018 by angeldym (340 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
If you enter the childrens birthdates (at least the year) then they will automatically be sorted in birth order (left to right) on the tree.  What exactly is your problem downloading a GEDCOM file?  You should be able to "find" the file in the Finder in the Download folder on the Mac.  If you sort by date modified it should pop to the top.
answered Feb 28, 2018 by DanUgrin (21,680 points)
Thank you for your help!