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How do you undo saves/changes?

+4 votes
I'm in a bit of a quandary - I was typing within a box of one of my ancestors that I have extensively researched and accidentally deleted the entirety of my ancestor's description. I only noticed that this happened after I clicked okay. Since the website automatically saves work, I couldn't undo it. There is some incredibly valuable information in there that I have not saved elsewhere, unfortunately. I was wondering if there is any way to recover this information or to undo previous edits, since there is a history page that you can examine. Or, is there any way to restore your tree to a previous save (from a couple of days in the past)?

Please let me know if there is any way to do this. It is extremely vital that I recover this information from research that I have performed over the past few years...
asked Jan 20, 2018 by richiem488 (160 points)
edited Jan 20, 2018 by richiem488

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