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how to show where two brothers married two sisters without repeating?

0 votes
Two brothers marrried to two sisters. I have included them and the subsequent generations under each one and so it looks as if the family is doubled. How can I avoid doubling up/ duplicating on the diagram and make it clear it's the same people/ families?
asked Jan 12, 2018 by yasminkapadia (120 points)

1 Answer

–4 votes
I just answered this same question someone else asked, hopefully this will help.

Say you've got John and James, brothers. And Anna and Sally, sisters.

If you start with (for example) John and add his brother James, then you add John's wife Anna, and then add her sister, Sally. Click on Sally and click 'add partner with someone already on the tree' and then find James' name. The system will probably automatically add some duplicates depending on what person you're clicked on, but it saves you a lot of work and stuff
answered Mar 4, 2018 by Rainelle (130 points)