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I am adopted. How do I enter multiple sets of parents?

+7 votes
I am adopted from my mom's sister, how do I add and show this and add both parents and their trees? My sister is also adopted, how do I show this as well and add her family?
asked Dec 31, 2017 by VeronicaChantal (190 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
We have this issue in several places on our tree, too.   I found this answer from 2015. http://answers.familyecho.com/1516/how-do-i-show-an-adoption-on-the-family-tree

  I hope that this is something we can see soon.   It seems like it wouldn't be too hard to add "adoptive" or "biological" to the parent options, there are a lot of options already.
answered Jan 2, 2018 by besslake (190 points)