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Impossible to view family tree?

+1 vote
Over the summer, I began putting together a huge family tree that included all of my extended cousins as far as we were aware of. This lead to hundreds of people being on the tree.

I recently attempted to download the tree as an HTML file so I could have it stored safely. However, when I then tried to open it in Chrome, it simply would not load. I've already explored why this might be and I know for a fact that it is not because Chrome had security concerns - it did, but I overrode those.

Are there too many people on my tree for it to load? Or will it just take an abnormally long amount of time to do so?
asked Dec 25, 2017 by izzywriter (450 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I want to view my family tree under Sarvesh Tricka
answered Jan 23, 2018 by Massonsantosh (140 points)
I have problems logging in.